Accept crypto-currency payments in your business now

Offer your customers peer-to-peer payments in cryptocurrency and stablecoin of your choice, on the blockchain of your choice.


Compatible with the most widely used cryptocurrencies and those of your choice.


Receive payments instantly on the blockchain of your choice.


Compatible with Metamask, TrustWallet, Binance Wallet.

Cryptocurrency payment gateway

The ideal peer-to-peer payment solution for your business.

Our payment solution has been designed to increase your conversion rates and to ensure exemplary security for every transaction. With Kooala, paying with digital assets becomes child’s play!

Regardless of the size of your organisation, we support it in the Web3 adventure and in the integration of a payment gateway.


Kooala is compatible with the blockchain of your choice and with the wallets most used by your customers (Metamask, TrustWallet and Binance Wallet).


Our payment gateway offers a simple and intuitive payment experience. In just three clicks, your customers will be able to select their favourite digital wallet, the blockchain of their choice and the cryptocurrency they wish to make the payment with.

“Simplicity is the garment of perfection.” – De Jean-Michel Ribes


Efficiency is an essential ingredient for success. Save time by avoiding fraudulent payments, blockages, disputes and other delays from your usual payment gateway.

Kooala is a reliable payment solution with no limits or constraints.


We analyse all aspects of your market by immersing ourselves in the industry and the competitive landscape of your business. Our experts are thus able to support your organisation in developing a relevant decentralised finance strategy.

Our experts are also available at any time to answer your questions or advise you.

BTC 67,946.21$
Change in 24h : -0.31%
ETH 3,266.50$
Change in 24h : -0.21%
BUSD 1.00$
Change in 24h : -0.02%
USDT 1.00$
Change in 24h : 0.02%
New !


We are doing our best to develop and facilitate cryptocurrency transactions around the world.

From now on, our experts will support you in the design of your online business and in the integration of PoS at your points of sale.

Your company in the web3

Why ?

Our digital currency payment solution is not only a way to guarantee the security and integrity of all your transactions.

Kooala is also and above all a solution for emancipating non-essential intermediaries such as payment processors and banking institutions.

This is because peer-to-peer payments require fewer participants than a traditional transaction. This eliminates the risk of bottlenecks, limits, fees and anything else that might hinder the growth of your business. 

Better than a payment gateway


No limit

Available for all 195 countries on our planet earth, without payment limit.

No fraudulent payments

Blockchain technology verifies the integrity and security of all your payments.

No delays

Payments are received in your digital wallet immediately.

No blockage

We will not block your account. Kooala is a viable, long-term solution.

No commission

Kooala does not take any commission on your transactions, neither today nor tomorrow.


No KYC is required to integrate our payment gateway.

No dispute

Your customers will not be able to open non-legitimate disputes.

100% integrated

Keep your customers on your website, our solution is fully integrated.

Start now

Opt for our decentralised payment solution and receive the proceeds of your digital asset trade today.

Contact an expert

Schedule a phone appointment for free.

Some details are still unclear and you would like to have some clarification? Fill in the form below and our advisor will be happy to answer you.